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"Why I'm Not Voting"

I live in Florida, 
the "So You Think Your Vote Counts" state. 

I'm not voting for Jeb Bush or Bill McBride. 
Here's why. 

First, Jebby ran the dirtiest campaign I've ever enjoyed. 
Every Bush except the family dog has been down here 
persuading seniors that they're better off without the medicines, 
and convincing the poor and middle class that money won't buy happiness. 

According to the Bush ads, Bill McBride: 
Plans an umbilical tax on newborns. 
Says "Let that be a lesson to you", after making love to his wife. 
Is a known dwarf molester. 
Advocates punishing doctors who amputate random limbs. 
And worst of all, Is a lawyer and a dirty liberal (OH NO!). 

My thumbs down on McBride because 
I won't vote for such a goody-two-shoes nice guy. 
The crooks would eat him up. 

I hope the election returns don't cut into The Simpsons. 

Jack Blanchard 

© 2002. 

PS: I get a lot of conservative propaganda email, 
Clinton jokes, and such. 
I'm always very nice, and just delete it. 
Please do the same for me. 


Copyright © November 5, 2002 by Jack Blanchard. All rights reserved.


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